What I’m about to express is not going to be received well by many in the trans community, especially the male to female trans community. But the time has come for a reality check. The fact is that regardless of how we as individuals feel; how our emotional mindset works, how we chose to present ourselves to the world, we are not REAL women. We never will be. For most of us, regardless of the fact that we may live our lives as real women … we aren’t.
The fact that we have a set of emotions that doesn’t correspond to the emotions of the average male, does in no way mean that we can began to even relate entirely to those people we choose to emulate in the way we dress and live our lives. We are born with male bodies. We don’t have two X chromosomes. We only have one X … and a Y. Nothing is ever going to change that fact or the fact that there will always be differences in how we perceive the world and, most important, how the world perceives us.
The progressive liberal goal of forcing the rest of society to see and accept us as something we are not is doomed to failure. But until they face that fact and stop trying to force the square peg into the round hole of that fact, those of us who have been blessed with that mismatch of nature are going to continue to be the butt of sarcasm and ridicule by a large portion of society.
I personally have been blessed in ways that many in our segment of society have not, and I am keenly aware of that fact. My height and weight alone do not give me away. The majority of my mannerisms do not give me away and that is due mainly to the effort I have made to study and emulate the women in my life that I admire. But I know on close scrutiny most people will realize that I was not born “Georgia”. And I’m okay with that. Sadly, too many of us are not okay with that fact. And it is the source of immeasurable emotional suffering.
A target has been placed on our backs by a group of XYers who have chosen to “transition” to female roles and then proceeded to inject themselves into athletic endeavors where they have robbed real young women of their opportunities to reach the pinnacle of their chosen field of endeavor. There always comes to my mind one huge question which is never addressed in the stories reporting on these individuals.
Are they so committed to being female that they’ve had all the surgeries necessary to bring them as close as current medicine can, to being as genuinely female as is possible? I have never seen anything to indicate that they have.
Thus, the second question: Why not? It seems to me that should be the real core of their claim to being female. I would think that would be on the minds of everyone reporting on the issue, but apparently it isn’t.
The people in our segment of society that have a public voice have been relatively silent on the subject. I for one don’t understand why. I have considered that it may be due the fact that there are, to be fair, a relatively few cases of the unfair competition that occurs when a male competing as a female. So, why the uproar? Consider the age-old story of what happens when a camel is allowed to get even its nose under the edge of the tent. The camel is never happy with just a warm nose. He wants his whole body to be in the warm tent with the humans. But he is no more a human than a male human can ever be a REAL female human.
Those of us who are MtF transexuals who accept that we are not REAL women but nevertheless find fulfillment in living our lives as though we were, need to come to the aid of the young women who are being robbed of achievement by males who for reasons we can only guess at, take pleasure in using their masculine assets to defeat young female athletes. To my way of thinking, it’s extremely unfeminine to take pleasure in winning in such an unfair matchup.
The entire situation has cast a shadow of condemnation and disdain on our entire community. The only way we are ever going to be able to regain the ground lost in our desire to be considered, acceptable, albeit oddly acceptable, to the society we live in, is to loudly and emphatically voice a unified condemnation of those individuals and their cisgendered supporters who find their cause a worthy cause.
If their situation is worthy of consideration, then let them create a “league of their own”. If they are genuinely interested in fair competition, then I for one will be first in line to support them. But as things currently stand, I simply cannot support their cause. Otherwise, they need to accept as I did, that the choice they made to change their gender expression comes with the sacrifice that there are things in their lives that they must give up. As the old saying goes… “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”
I will only add that this is the one place where Caitlyn Jenner needs to step forward on her unique platform and lend her voice loudly and effectively in defense of the women that she, as I choose to emulate.